About our events
Throughout the years Nul-Kryds has organised and hosted various events of different extents, from small Christmas lunches and Martha evenings to weeklong congresses as well as students trips with company visits around the world. It is in the organisations interest to help create connection between companies and students, also to enlighten the students with the different aspects of the maritime industry. For us, it is important to organise several events each semester, to ensure all students get a chance to interact with the companies, and vice versa.
21st to 23rd of April
For the three day maritime study trip, we are going a bit far away, to the Northern part of Denmark where the maritime industry is strong, namely Frederikshavn. We will be visiting Orskov shipyard, MAN, MarineShaft, MeProduction and hopefully also MARTEC. We will also plan some social events during the days, and on Monday we will be staying in Aalborg, so we can go and grab a drink in Jomfru Ane Gade, if interested.
The plan is to leave Monday noon (around 12), and be back Wednesday evening, after sailing home with Molslinjen. The trip will be sponsored by ShippingLab, covering transport, accommodation and food, although we will still be requiring a small own-payment of 250 DKK per person.
It is a nice opportunity to see theDanish maritime industry including Shipyards, production facilities, manufacturers and other maritime related companies in Frederikshavn and surrounding area, as well as networking with companies and other maritime students.
We have a maximum of 18 spots, and will if necessary be picking participants based on study line relevancy and motivational text.
Signup deadline: March 27th
16th May 2025
OMT invites students to a free sailing event where you will compete in racing under expert guidance, the event is free to join and an opportunity to try sailing and explore the maritime industry.
Date: 16/05/2025
Time: Entire day
Location: Skovshoved Sejlklub
Transport back and forth, food, drinks, and a free T-shirt is all provided by OMT.
Read about the event and sign up:
June 16th - 18th, 2025
Save the date, DaSCENT invites maritime students to participate in the second annual Danish Student Conference for Engineering and Naval Technology, hosted by the Royal Danish Naval Academy. The first conference was hosted in November where several Naval architect students from DTU participated. A formal invitation will be sent out later, but if you are interested, save the date.
March 13, 2025: Carbon Capture, Transport, Storage and business
Nul-Kryds Company evenings are a chance to discuss the industry with leading experts. The aim is to establish 2-3 events per year, where different companies and specialists get to present their company, upcoming projects, new technologies or anything related and interesting for our maritime students. The event takes 2 to 3 hours, so a good way to learn something new.
Venue: DTU Meeting Centre.
Date: March 13 2025, ( 17.15 to 19.30 )
Language: English
Nul-Kryds will provide sandwiches and beverages at the student-friendly price of 0 DKK. Sign up will open once the date and guest speakers has been set.
8th of April at DTU Lyngby 17.15
Invitation to all maritime interested students at DTU to come and help select the new board of Nul Kryds. We would encourage you to participate regardless if you plan to run for a position on the board or not. You get the opportunity to discuss the previous years' events, hear about upcoming events or propose possible events, and of course to have influence on the new board. We will provide drinks and some food for everyone.
Annual social summer Event
An unofficial event, but the heart of Nul-Kryds' traditions, where all maritime interested students are invited for a get together to watch the amazing film Martha from 1967. The night always offers food, drinks and a very strict traditions while watching the film.
Asia trip for students, visiting Shipyard and other maritime companies
Every second year, DTU maritime helps organize and finance a student excursion to the Ship giants mostly in Eastern Asia, where the students get to see the large-scale building facilities. The trip usually lasts about a week, during the school autumn break, where numerous different companies are explored. Another wonderful experience is visiting universities, where the last trip visited a technical university, where the students also had lunch with the maritime students and got a chance to talk with the Korean students, to hear how studying in South Korea is like. The next destination is Guangzhou, China and will take place during the autumn break in 2025.
Intro meeting:
If you are are interested, we recommend you to show up to our Asia trip meeting:
Meeting: 20th February 2025
Location: DTU building 414 room 061B
Time: 17.15
The Fair takes place every second year, and is the world's leading maritime trade fair with over 2 000 exhibitors. This year, a student trip was organized and financed by ShippingLab in collaboration with Danish Maritime, Danish Shipping, and supported by Danish Export. The event proved to show great interest to students, as a total of 130 students participated from various academic institutions such as DTU, Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering (Maskinmesterskolen København), SIMAC, MARTEC, ITU, SDU, CBS and Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering.
This year, Mannhullet from the norwegian delegeation of NTNU had the pleasure of hosting the yearly NTHS congress. The congress started in Oslo, where the monday was hosted by Norges rederiforbund, where employees from Havfram, Fred Olsen Windcarrier and DNV talked about their companies and trainee programs, after which Nexans had invited the congress for a visit. Tuesday was also spent in Oslo, visiting Yara Marine, Econnect and Höegh LNG and the day ended with a Sauna event followed by a nightbus to Trondheim. Wednesday called for the salmon agriculture business, where it started at the salmon farm in Hitra and ended at Scale AQ. The Thursday was spent in Tronheim, where the congress visited Altera, then the autonomous ferry ZeaBuz and ended with a tour of an old norwegian ferry, built in 1956, which had been bought back from finland in 2021, and was being restored. The last day, Friday, we got to see the Facilities at the NTNU university and heard from the Department of Marine Technology of NTNU. The day ended with the long waited banquet, with a very entertaining program and many old timer guests. The speaches were perfomed, Drukkenbolt was found and the President, Carl (NTNU) handed the anchor of responsibility on to Swedens NTHS president of 2025, Jesper (KTH).
Nul-Kryds's first company evening of the year 2024 took place on February 15. The topics for the night focused on maritime survailance and security, with speakers from danske rederier on the Houthis in Yemen , VTS on the Femern Belt and spoke about Sovereignty enforcement and navy tasks in Denmark
The Tech event is established as the first introduction for the new mechanical engineering students, for a propper introduction to the maritime world. At the event, students have the possibilty to interact directly with companies representaing the industry, as well as students. Join the event for a fun interctive evening, where you can expereince the real life problems maritime mechanial engineers face, as well as talks from the maritime industry itself.
Maritime Thesis Day is hosted by Maritime DTU and Shipping Lab where Nul-Kryds supported the event with participating Oldtimers and students as speakers. Participants had the chance to get in contact with companies and talk about thesis opportunities as wells as student job positions.
The semester started with a tour to the worlds biggest Shipping fair in Hamburg. Here 18 students joint the tour and had 2 days to wander around the fair. On top of the fair the tour included a visit with the Captain of one Scandlines ferry between Denmark and Germany and visits during the fair with G&O Maritime Group, Inrotech and DNV Germany.
This years Asia trip went to Busan, South Korea where 18 students joined for a week packed with maritime related program. We arrived on saturday evening, and the sunday was spent strolling around the area, experiencing the culture. Monday, we went to visit the technical university of Chamwong, where we also got to eat lunch with some maritime students. On tuesday, we visited HHI, Hyundai Heavy Industry and saw the enormous shipyard. We ended the day off with a boat tour. Wednesday was SHI, Samsung heavyy industries. Thursday was Lloyds Register followed by the Korean register. The last day we were supposed to fly home in the afternnon, so we spent the morning seeing the beautiful martitime museum of Busan.
This year the Nul-Kryds board had the hornor of hosting the 74. NTHS congress in Denmark. Here the Danish deegation prepared one week of program for 50 students from all across Scandinavia. The other participants came from NTNU in Tronheim, Norway; Chalmers in Gøteborg and KTH in Stockholm, Sweden and Aalto in Helsinki Finland. The week started by visiting a well known engine manufacturer in Frederikshavn (MAN) and a famous Shipyard in Skagen (Karstensens). Afterwards the tour continued with visits in Aalborg (Alfa Laval), Århus (OSK), Esbjerg (Viking), Odense (Fayard) and ended in Copenhagen (MAN, DFDS, Coach Solutions, FORCE, DTU, OMT and Vessel Performance). The week was full of interesting visits and a lot of networking between the students, and ended with a big Banquet for the participants and all oldtimers of NTHS. We had a great time and are looking forward to the next NTHS congress in Norway 2024. We are greatful for all the support we received from the maritime industry, wihtout whom the congress would not be possible.
The Danish Maritime Student Organization